Day 03 of Morning Pages

Day 02/130 to my 43rd Birthday

Whatta hurricane day I had! The entire day went in chasing deadlines and ensuring timely deliverables. 

I also conducted a Dance Movement Therapy(DMT) session for the boys at a shelter home. What fun it was! We danced, talked, copied “Pushpa” moves and laughed so much. Later in the day, I had DMT class, where we learned the code of conduct personally and professionally while dealing with special kids.

During the lecture, our instructor showed us some patterns to be used while conducting a session for children with special needs. She then asked us to think about the patterns and their relevance in the session. Everyone had a different answer, and no explanation was right or wrong. She then analysed our replies and gave her expert comments. One thing that struck me was when she said, “you are thinking and suggesting the way you perceive things, but these children don’t think the way you do. So, you have to tweak and frame your actions and sentences as per their understanding.” 

Isn’t this true in our daily lives and relationships as well?

We tend to talk and share our views as per our perspective, totally oblivious that the other person is not even thinking like us. There might be differences of opinion, background, and even the knowledge base, leading to the ambiguity of understanding each other. Maybe we need a different pattern and a script to understand the other person. 

Lesson- well learnt!

As the day proceeded, I could see the shift in my mood and again get into the patterns I hate to address. I was irritable, screaming at boys, rearranging already arranged things. At this moment, I felt like I’m Thanos, having the power of the universe, not knowing that I’m using this power to destroy the world around me(thanks to my boys, we are HUGE Marvel fans)

I slept with an agitated mind. My entire thoughts were running around my writing the following day. Strange!

Morning pages are supposed to be the freeflow thoughts and not framed at all, but here I thought what to write? We are so structured and wired in our thought process that we’ve forgotten how not to think. As we chase deliverables, we always have a goal in mind. It was so difficult for me to not think of what to write. I forcefully shut my eyes to sleep off but couldn’t manage to sleep at all.

The morning alarm rang at the usual time, and I was up and about for my workout. The confusion was to prepare the school tiffin first or go for a run. Ah! These decisions are the toughest. I chose the former one. I wore my shoes, plugged in my sound free, labelled the tiffin boxes and off I went for my run. On the run, also I kept thinking, what will I write. Once I finished my workout and paused my Garmin, I also paused not to think what to write. ENOUGH

So, it’s 4:00 pm that I’m writing my morning thoughts (giggles)

Takeaways from my day:

Laugh, dance and talk as much as possible, without any inhibitions

People understand from their level of thinking, so if there is a dispute, leave it there; no need to prove your point

Give as much as possible to receive in abundance