Don’t let your children dream
In this ear of online world and instant gratification , how should we encourage our children to dream about happiness?
In this ear of online world and instant gratification , how should we encourage our children to dream about happiness?
I used to be awake almost all through the night, either watching the ceiling or just lying blank. This lockdown appeared to be forever, and the predictions for the world economy said that the world will face a significant recession.
I find arranging the stuff therapeutic. at some point I would like to extend this service to whosoever likes organised kitchen(trust me, I am not kidding )
Fury of a teen mom, grinding my teeth and seething ! dear boy..Karma!
Happy parenting and chin up referees . Boom bang…there is a battle on yet again.
Happy children's day to all of you and hug your kids a bit tighter today as many don't have this privilege
For any mom who feels even for a moment that there is no energy left or you don't have any vital role to play anymore then please go and watch Sandh Ki ankh, because it's a reminder to direct my and your energy to hit the bullseye.
Donation is not about discarding the waste from your house and making it clean. It's about making someone else privileged by what you think is not essential for you anymore now